singapore: sights & slings
hello there! it has been a MINUTE since we've posted an update. especially an update about our trip around this time last year. yikes. but the time for procrastination is over. we have a lot to share from 2017 still! ugh, we'll get there.
so last time we left off we were in thailand perusing at all the sights there. i probably say this too much, but we really didn't know what to expect when we added singapore to our travel itinerary as the last stop, but as is usually the case, we were once again blown away by the amazing things we saw and did.
all of the bars were decorated for halloween. we felt right at home!
while searching for local attractions ahead of our trip, we came across the singapore pub crawl. it began a few hours after we landed and decided to just hit the ground running right away. why not? over the course of the crawl to four different pubs, we absolutely loved meeting and chatting with new friends from france, canada, korea and singapore and dancing to classic american tunes at each bar. one of the bars even had beer pong in the street - so good. i would HIGHLY recommend doing this if you're ever in singapore, or any other city where these take place. such a fun way to see the city and get to know some fellow travelers.
the day after our riot of an escapade around town, we went exploring around arguably one of the most notable landmarks in singapore, the marina bay sands. you truly almost have to see this place to believe it. the bottom part is a hotel and the top is a whole area of bars, restaurants and a killer infinity pool. for some reason, it just looks like a big hull of a ship right on top of a hotel. just insane!
right near the marina bay sands is another absolute must do when exploring singapore - the gardens by the bay. it's free to get in and walk around and for a small fee, you can go into the other few attractions - like the trees and hanging bridge shown above. unfortunately, it rained the day we were there so a lot of things were closed, but that didn't stop us from basking in the lush green *everything* in this beautiful space. truly gorgeous, peaceful space in the heart of the city.
as is the case in most of asia, large food court-type places (like the maxwell hawker centre above) are super popular and a hot spot for snagging eats throughout the day. these hawker stands have all different kinds of food options at almost laughably cheap prices. these individual stands often sell similar things, but it's all about beating out that competition. oh, and the food is out of this world good.
chicken satay with peanut sauce + fried wantons + duck noodles = a super inexpensive but amazing lunch.
one of the quieter streets near the chinatown area.
when researching things to do in singapore, it was recommended to go to the world famous and historic raffles hotel, and in particular long bar. here is, among other things, the birthplace of the singapore sling cocktail (a deliciously sweet and island-y mix of gin and juices with fruity garnishes). these adult beverages cost us a pretty penny, but when in asia, right?
haji lane is an absolutely adorable area of town that has a lot of boutiques, restaurants and bars. we loved spending the afternoon checking out what the small shops had to offer.
when walking around downtown singapore, it's all but required to go check out the half lion and half fish statue, merlion. if you can dodge the barrage of tourists and amount of selfie sticks, it's a pretty amazing view and a good spot to sit and watch the skyline/passing ferries.
one of the last and neatest things we saw before leaving singapore was the diwali celebration in little india. it truly was a festival of countless lights, happy people wandering the streets and general festive celebration. such a magical and beautiful end to our asia journey.
until next time!